Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Van Down By The River

Matt Foley would be proud of me. Many of you who know me well have most likely heard of my ambition to attempt to free myself of mostly all financial obligations and seek out an extraordinary and different way of living. Recently, a huge step has been taken towards reaching my goal... I acquired a van. Oddly enough, it was only the second van I looked at, but it came at exactly the right time and in the exact way I had envisioned. It's reassuring when, taking such extreme steps towards the uncertain, things just sort of go your way. A lot of people, including all the "non-believers," spend too much time fretting over all the small details of life in a van or "van dwelling" as it's aptly named. "Where will you shower?" "What will you eat?" "Where will you poo?" I have logical and reasonable answers to all of these questions, but I have not given them much thought. It's not like me. I live by the notion that everything will work out as long as I stay true to my mission, and if it doesn't, I'll learn why it didn't work and how I can make it work. Besides, it's mentally exhausting to take the time to explain how one can utilize a camp shower or a port-o-potty only to have them dismissingly say, "Okay. Whatever." So, getting back to the van. It's in pretty awesome shape and needs no work to make it roadworthy, which means I can dive right in to making the interior space livable. I know a few people who are skilled in different areas whose knowledge will be invaluable during this process. I have great friends who are supporting me and offered their help in getting this done and I am really excited to have all of them contribute in their own awesome ways.

"Young man, what do you want to do with your life?!" I want to live in a van down by the river.


  1. "Young man, what do you want to do with your life?!" I want to live in a van down by the river.

    -lmao, now you just have to become a motivational speaker and fall through tables.

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  3. I appreciate your guts and the way you have taken all your cycle tours. Great I must say.
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